Belleville Wix Academy


Belleville Wix Academy is part of a group of schools, overseen by the Quality First Education Trust, a primary multi academy trust (MAT). The Q1E Trust policies which are followed by all the schools in the MAT can be found at the bottom of this page. 


School teaching and learning policies
General school policies


Quality First Education Trust policies followed by the school

The following are joint policies for all the schools in the Quality First Education (Q1E) trust and can be found on the policies page of the Q1E Trust website: 


  • Q1E Accessibility and Equality Policy
  • Q1E Allegations Against Staff Policy
  • Q1E Code of Conduct - Staff
  • Q1E Code of Conduct - Governance
  • Q1E Concerns and Complaints Policy
  • Q1E Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy*. (This should be read in conjunction with our specific Safeguarding and Behaviour information and protocols for the Belleville Wix Academy Bilingual Stream and our BWA Contextual Safeguarding Addendum.)
  • Q1E Curriculum Statement
  • Q1E Data Protection Policy
  • Q1E Emergency Policy
  • Q1E Feedback Policy
  • Q1E Health and Safety Policy
  • Q1E Gifts and Hospitality Policy
  • Q1E ICT Acceptable Use Policy
  • Q1E Intimate Care Policy
  • Q1E Marking Code
  • Q1E Online Safety Policy *
  • Q1E Privacy Notice for Parents
  • Q1E Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) Policy
  • Q1E Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Policy *
  • Q1E Supporting Children with Medical Needs Policy
  • Q1E Whistleblowing policy

*These policies include school-specific contextual details where appropriate

Paper copies of all of our policies are available from the school office upon request.