Belleville Wix Academy

School Council and Eco-Council

School Council

Our pupil’s voice and their opinion is very important to us. We are very fortunate to have an active school council which encourages responsibility, democracy and ownership. Every year the elected School Council work together to bring fresh ideas and make improvements to our school. This builds on our teaching and promotion of British Values.

At the start of every academic year, pupils from Reception through to Year 6 are invited to consider running for School Council in our official election. If a pupil decides they would like the opportunity to be their class representative, they prepare a manifesto before presenting it to their peers. Elections are taken very seriously and all pupils are asked to cast their votes for the candidate they feel is the right one for the job. Through this election process, each class selects two pupils from their class to represent them throughout the year.

Our School Council meets half-termly to discuss issues and initiatives, they are then responsible for reporting back to classes.

School Councillors also take an active role in whole school events such as helping to run stalls at events, organising charitable events as well as meeting stakeholders to give a pupil perspective on whole school decisions.

For 2024-2025, our School Council's three main aims are: 

  • to make a positive impact on the food in the canteen
  • to implement a buddy system in the playground
  • to help run an event for World Heritage Day. 


In the Autumn Term of 2024, he School Council met with our schools caterers Harrisons to discuss future changes to the menu. They looked at our current menu and discussed the items they enjoyed, and some that they wanted to change. They decided on some new menu items with the caterers, thinking about what items were possible to make on such a large scale but were still delicious.

In the Spring Term 2025, they will be meeting to discuss a potential buddy system in the playground. This will be implemented and run by our School Council reps to make sure everyone is enjoying their playtime to the fullest. 

Elected School Councillors 2024 - 2025

Y1 - Leonora and Leo

1B - Ivvy and Emilio

Y2 - Leila and Tommi

2B - Chloe and Samay

Y3- Jackson and Otterly

3B - Quinn and Zara

Y4 - Leandro and Skylar​

4B - Louis S and Martinr

Y5 - Georgia and Henry

5B - Leandro and Lea

Y6 - Scarlet and Karson

6B - Reuban and Nina


Eco Council

Pupils at BWA want to make a difference to the world we live in and are committed to doing what they can to make sure we care for our school environment and beyond. Our Eco Council benefits the whole school, pupils and teachers. By joining up with the global programme ‘Eco-Schools’ we provide our pupils with the avenue to make a difference in the world.

Involvement with the Eco-Schools programme has huge positive impacts on the pupils as well as the school community. Not only do we see an increased confidence in our pupils but also a development of their leadership skills, improved well-being and an overall greater motivation at school.

At the start of every academic year, pupils from Reception through to Year 6 are invited to consider running for Eco Council in our official election. If a pupil decides they would like the opportunity to be their class representative, they prepare a manifesto before presenting it to their peers. Elections are taken very seriously and all pupils are asked to cast their votes for the candidate they feel is the right one for the job. Through this election process, each class selects two pupils from their class to represent them throughout the year.

Our Eco Council meets half-termly to discuss and vote on issues and initiatives as well as share relevant information with their class. At times they are requested to ask their class for ideas or take class votes relating to discussions by the Eco Council. It is the responsibility of each councillor to ensure that they express both their own views and the views of all the other pupils they represent.

The Eco Council has highlight the need to reduce, reuse and recycle. Here are some of things they have done to improve our school environment and beyond.

Reducing Plastic

To reduce plastic waste most pupils now bring in their own water bottle that can be refilled at school.

Recycling paper

We encourage everyone to reduce the amount of paper they use and recycle it when possible.


We have an active Gardening Club and gardening is weaved throughout the curriculum. Our parents have helped us develop our outside area to provide more opportunities to grow fruit and vegetables on our school site.The Eco-Council met to do a gardening project. They explored what type of plants will grow and flower in the winter season. They used this information to create planters with herbs and flowers to improve the school environment. 

In the Spring Term, they will be meeting over several lunch times to work on a variety of gardening projects, including how to grow veggies from scraps, how to create a windowsill garden, and much more.

Clean Air Day - CAD

Every year we come together as a whole school community to celebrate CAD.  Pupils wear green and take part in a wide variety of activities through the day, such as assemblies, led by two parents, gardening, learning outside, this could be reading outside, building bug hotels or looking at the impact of pollution through lichen on trees on the common. 

School Streets

We are very fortunate to operate a School Street every morning for drop off and again for the end of day pick up. This reduces the fumes outside of school and encourages more walking.

Travel to School

We actively promote Walk to School weeks. Most pupils travel by public transport, bike or scooter to school.

Elected Eco Councillors 2024 - 2025

Y1 - Hamish and Mia

1B - Camille and Elyas

Y2 - Alex and Mia

2B - Stanley and Agathe

Y3 - Noa and Tom

3B - Amaury and Olivia

Y4 - Vivienne and Aymeric

4B - Louis W. and Basil

Y5 - Oscar and Veronica

5B - Beatrice and Sebastian V.

Y6 - Luca and Bella

6B - Milie and Alienor