Belleville Wix Academy


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All children must wear the Belleville Wix Academy uniform. Download our uniform information sheet for details. Uniform items with the school logo are optional.

As part of our school commitment to sustainability, we strongly support parents selecting pre-loved uniforms.  Details of the pre-loved uniform shop run by parents that benefits the school can be found on the PTA’s website.

New uniform items with the Belleville Wix Academy logo are supplied by Price and Buckland and can be ordered online through their website

New uniform items without a school logo can be purchased from many well-known retailers.  Many retailers provide a discount or rebate when you recycle old uniforms.

You can order labels through Stikins who will make a donation that benefits the school when you use code 25663 when ordering.  Details can be found on the PTA’s website.

Please ensure that your child wears the correct uniform each day, including PE kit on their designated days. Please ensure that your they come to school with a coat in colder weather and a rain jacket for wet days.

Please also avoid sending your child to school wearing jewellery and be aware that your child may be asked to remove large or excessive pieces of jewellery for health and safety reasons.