Belleville Wix Academy

Ethos, Values And Aims

Belleville Wix Academy is part of the Quality First Education Trust. The Trust's schools share a common drive for an excellent education for all. 


Together, all the schools in the Q1E Trust:

  • have a relentless drive for improvement, excellence and equality
  • focus first and foremost on Quality First Education: the high quality provision that children receive in every class, every day  
  • ensure that where children need more, we do 'Whatever It Takes' to support them. 


Our aim is that all children:
  • Are safe
  • Are excellent learners
  • Have excellent social and emotional skills
  • Fulfil their potential
Our values (for children and staff) are:

Considerate:  caring, polite, community, fairness and understanding, encouraging others
Articulate: communication skills, listening, freedom of expression, expressing emotions and ideas
Responsible: leadership, responsibility for self and others, teamwork
Effort: participation, perseverance, resilience, willingness and desire to improve

Our bicultural ethos

For over 20 years Wix has shared its site with École de Wix, a French primary school which is an annexe of the Lycée Français Charles de Gaulle de Londres. Between us, we offer three streams onsite: the English Stream (run by Belleville Wix Academy); the French Stream (run by École de Wix) and the Bilingual Stream (run jointly by the two schools). 

We aim to ensure that all children on site have routine and meaningful opportunities to play together, work together and learn from one another.  All children eat together, wear the same uniform, and share playtimes with their peers.  We value and cherish the rich mixture of cultures and world languages represented at Belleville Wix and are particularly proud of the bicultural spirit on site.

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